Executive Leadership Teams Program

Senior Leadership Teams are crucial to any organization’s success. Yet most organizations don’t invest strategically in developing effective teamwork, trust, and accountability among the leaders.

The Lead With Catalyst Executive Team Leadership Program commits your team to growth and development. Proven tools, custom design, and an expert facilitator ensure that your team, and organization, will be healthier than ever one year from now.

See the Executive Team Program pdf here.

Purpose: To equip leadership teams with a structured approach to organizational health and team performance by employing proven tools, training, and coaching in a unique program that is customized to your specific needs and goals.

Target Audience: Leadership/Executive teams of midsized or large charities. 

Outcomes: At the conclusion of the program the team will have:

-Shared understanding of what it means to be a Healthy Team and Healthy Organization

-Commitment to specific actions related to effective Strategy, Execution, and Culture

-Tools and tips for more productive meetings

-Higher peer accountability that deepens trust and drives organizational results

-Clarity around competing priorities and loyalties

-Greater individual leadership confidence

-Applied tools and techniques to be more effective as a team and in individual roles

-Training and support to deliver this content into their particular departments


12 month program made up of 3 team surveys, 10 group training sessions, and up to 3 individual PACE sessions for each team member.

Team Surveys: A series of brief team surveys will be administered (prior to the first session, mid-year, and prior to the final session). The gleanings from these surveys will be used to further customize the program for greatest impact, and for the team’s ongoing development. Summary reports will be delivered to the team after each survey.

Group Training Sessions: Facilitated training on effective team leadership rooted in the Catalyst Healthy Organizations model. Each session requires 60-90 minutes of focused time as well as reflection and application tasks. These sessions can be delivered remotely by Zoom or your preferred platform. In person sessions (which are more effective) can also be arranged. Clustering multiple sessions as part of a team retreat is worth considering to maximize impact. 

Training topics will be chosen (from among more than 30 workshops developed by Catalyst over the past 15 years) to best fit the particular needs and opportunities of your team and organization. Every session is designed for immediate application and clear, practical deliverables are assigned. See a sample content schedule here.

Individual PACE Sessions: Each team member is encouraged to schedule one on one leadership conversations with Chris. These sessions are referred to as PACE representing the various needs (Perspective, Accountability, Challenge, Encouragement) that may be involved in helping you each to lead as Healthy Leaders.

At the completion of the program your team will be closely aligned, more cohesive, and better equipped with tools and strategies to move forward confidently together.

Fee and Funding

The cost for the entire program is $12500. Through a partnership with the Generosity Plus Fund at Oakville Community Foundation we are often able to request a grant to your organization to cover up to 50% leaving a final cost of just $6250.


Contact Chris Wignall chris@leadwithcatalyst.com or 905-520-0710 to discuss whether this may be the right time for your leadership team to be intentional about being healthy.


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