2023 Summary

124 Group Leadership Sessions delivered (on more than 20 topics)

3 Webinars presented reaching leaders on 3 continents

172 PACE (Perspective, Accountability, Challenge, and Encouragement) calls with charity leaders

9 Staff Retreats facilitated

$76,750 in external funding accessed for my clients

41 Insights blog posts (11 Catalyst Content e-newsletters)

The numbers tell a story, but not the whole story.

My second year in business as Lead With Catalyst was a good one. I am sincerely moved by the trust of so many charity leaders to come alongside them and their teams to continue to build Healthy Leaders and Healthy Organizations.

There’s more to come.

But before I push into 2024 I need to pause to express my deep gratitude for the opportunities of the year just passed.

Thank you to the leaders who opened themselves up to vulnerable conversations and raw honesty.

Thank you to the donors who continue to invite me to present opportunities to support leadership development projects at excellent charities.

Thank you to fellow consultants who are so generous in their advice and encouragement.

Thank you to Shalem Mental Health Network and 541 Eatery & Exchange who allow me to serve as a volunteer board member.

Thank you to past recipients of The Catalyst Award who still reach out for connection years after our travels and mentoring season.

Thank you to the Executive Directors, CEOs, and heads of HR/People and Culture who see the value in investing in their people and allow me to play a part in that process.

Thank you to those who receive and read my monthly Catalyst Content e-newsletters, and particularly those who let me know when they find some insight there.

Thank you to my family and friends who have supported me in times of busyness, stress, and insecurity as I learn the skills and cycles of running my own business.

And thank you to God for the blessing of making a living doing work that I believe in, with people I care about, and developing my abilities to serve more effectively.

Stay tuned for what the year ahead holds.

Contact me if I can be helpful to you and/or your organization.

Subscribe to Catalyst Content for monthly insights and opportunities for charity leaders.


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Learning “The Lore”